The popularity of education in the family is gaining momentum and, on the one hand, it greatly simplifies home-study processes, and on the other hand, it serves as a disservice to families taking this path. Many advisers, experts, and specialists have appeared who, for a kind word, and sometimes not at all for free, willingly give out recommendations to the right and left.
And the point is not even the advice themselves, which are voiced by these experts, but the fact that the existence of advice in general violates the organic flow of the family's attunement to cognitive processes that are deeply individual for everyone. When a family is faced with difficulties, experts usually have a million ready-made, highly actionable recipes. Someone calls to work with motivation, someone claims that you need to change the textbook (and, of course, knows which one you need), someone thinks that before each lesson, a mother should definitely dance, and someone suggests getting a coach. In the modern mentality, the habit of "making" a guardian stands at the transition to the state of "being," namely from it, and only from it - from the inside, not from the outside - it is possible to understand how to help, and whether it is necessary to help at all at this stage. To be a parent, it seems to me, is to be an eternal student - a student of your children. And a little more detective, scientist, researcher. My job is to search, not check. The best ideas and solutions come over a silent cup of coffee or in the shower, where only your own thoughts are heard behind the sound of water. The question is not about the global success of the child. Success is the final station, and it is not a fact that we need it. The question is what happens on the way, whether there are obstacles to moving forward or, conversely, an intermediate stop, with its views and colorful characters, this is exactly what we need at this stage. Observe, record, wait. This is the exploration phase and counts as well. Sometimes (or often) doing nothing does not mean doing nothing. When we take this pause, it does not mean that education is paused. This is not a hiatus, not a failure, not a defeat. This is an important and necessary part of the process. In fact, this is family education. The opportunity to stop, think, and move on not on the call, but because the time has come, this is exactly what we started it for.


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