All about universities in the USA

Several years ago, eight US universities entered the top ten of the world's top universities. Thus, the United States is confidently leading in the ranking of world education.

If you want to study abroad, choose the USA. Why?

Three reasons to get higher education in the USA
My university is my fortress! Colleges and universities in the United States of America, as a rule, are entire cities with developed infrastructure. The territory has everything you need for an exciting and rewarding student life. From gyms and open-air venues to high-tech labs and great libraries. The infrastructure of the university affects all spheres of life: everything you need is always in the student's reach.
Down with the flour of choice! The main difference between American universities and Ukrainian universities is that a student can decide on the desired profession in the course of his studies. Many related sciences are studied in colleges and universities, there is always an opportunity to independently choose the number of hours in a particular discipline. It is known that Ukrainian junior students are sometimes disappointed in the chosen faculty. Acquiring higher education in the United States is more flexible, and the potential level of dissatisfaction with the chosen profession is minimized.
More Science! Colleges and universities in the United States are very interested in students being engaged in scientific activities from the first months of their studies. In the States, maximum attention is paid to the system of grants that can be obtained for the study of a particular problem. After graduation exams, students are often offered doctoral and master's programs that pave the way to big science.
Are you convinced that US universities are an excellent base for your future career? Now it would not hurt to find out what is the peculiarity of the educational process in the States.

Features of getting an education in the USA: what you need to know
If the Ministry of Education is in charge of all universities in Ukraine, then the US educational system will seem unusual to a domestic student. Indeed, in America, each state has its own department of education and is free to create its own laws and regulations. Universities have been granted maximum authority, in fact, they live their own lives. This is especially true of private universities, along with which there are state ones.

The common thing is that in all colleges and universities in the United States, education lasts four years, after which the student is considered a bachelor's degree. There are also community colleges in the States, in which study lasts only two years. After that, the student receives an associate degree, which in fact can be equated with our title of associate specialist.

A four-year bachelor's degree usually looks like this:

The first two years, students listen to basic lectures - these are core courses;
Then each student chooses the basis of his future profession, the most important subject - it is called a major;
Next, you need to decide on the second most important subject for your future - it is called a minor;
It remains a matter of electives, which the student can collect in any quantity at his discretion - these are electives.
Looks attractive, doesn't it? Two years of "base", then - an independent compilation of their schedule. Do you want to relax or play sports more? Easy: Leave just a couple of essential items. Prefer to spend time reading and eager to listen to renowned professors? Not a problem: you can attend their lectures even from morning to evening!

It remains to add that a student with a diploma from any US university is a welcome specialist in the Ukrainian labor market. And no less in demand is the specialist who studied English directly on courses in the States.


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