Difficulties in the transition from the school system to the family education system.

Difficulties in the transition from the school system to the family education system. Parenting, part 1.
Parenting is a transitional period that should help the child get rid of the school way of thinking and teach him to learn about the world in an unstructured environment. This period is passed not only by former students, but also by their parents. And often for the latter, the process becomes much more complicated than for children :) I believe that during this period parents need soft but confident support more than ever - either in the person of a psychologist, or in the form of a supportive environment, or in the form of resource activities.
If a child's schooling takes 1-2 months for each year spent at school, then for parents the process may take much longer. For me, for example, he was actively walking through the first grade of his eldest daughter. And in the background I still encounter its echoes 😅
Now let's see what happens to the parents during this period.
Text: @liubov_sgonnik
Photo: #yauchusfest
To unschool your consciousness means to nullify everything you knew about education based on your school experience.
1️⃣ Stop seeing the school system as the only way to educate your child. Many parents and teachers believe that the child is not able to learn independently. And therefore they do not even investigate the question of what prevents children from acquiring knowledge on their own.
2️⃣ Start asking yourself questions, answering them honestly: “What is knowledge and what kind of education do I want to give my children?”, “What skills, besides school ones, will my children need in order for them to confidently survive and want to learn all their lives? "," What values ​​do I want to convey to children? "," How to teach them to recognize their desires and needs so that they can realize them? "
3️⃣ Come to an understanding of why you do not want to send your child to school, and whether you are ready to develop the skills that are offered to your attention in the article "What parents need to know when choosing a family form of education."


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