Education system in Germany

When planning to get an education in a particular country, we carefully collect all available information about it. Today we will get acquainted with the education system in Germany - a country with one of the most powerful economies in the world. Why does it manage to produce such highly qualified specialists and lead in the most demanded areas?

In short, the education system in Germany consists of three stages:

elementary School
high school
high school
In fact, nothing new for a Ukrainian student. The domestic system works the same way. In Germany, each step is represented by public and private institutions. Primary and secondary education is strictly free. They graduate from high school at the age of 19. Further education can be paid or free: it all depends on the university and the abilities of the student himself.

Preschool education in Germany
The first difference in the education system compared to Ukraine can be seen already among preschoolers. For example, some kindergartens in Germany may work until lunchtime, then the parents should take the child for lunch and return. There are other features of the schedule that would seem very inconvenient to our compatriots.

In addition, kindergartens in Germany do not offer education proper, since they are not subordinate to the country's Ministry of Education and the program is not approved by anyone.

Secondary education in Germany
At the age of 6, children in Germany are sent to primary school. This program lasts four to six years. Then - a secondary school, where students study until the age of 16. Next - a secondary specialized school, where training lasts until the student turns 19 and he becomes a graduate.

As in universities in Germany, in the upper grades of the school you can choose additional subjects for yourself. Schools in the country are divided into the following types:

Real school
Main school
Professional school
General school.
The most prestigious thing is to graduate from a gymnasium: her diploma will allow you to enter the best universities without entrance exams! Most gymnasiums in Germany have a humanitarian profile. Real schools that provide basic knowledge in the field of trade, services, and civil service are also highly valued. The main school is attended by those who do not plan to enter the university later. The vocational school immediately gives a working profession without the need to go to university. The general school is a mixture of the functions of a gymnasium and a real school: here you can get both humanitarian and technical education, and then pass exams and enter a university.

Higher education in Germany
The main advantage of higher education in Germany is that it is affordable for both indigenous people and foreigners. And in terms of quality, it will give odds to many countries. The availability of higher education for students is a striking indicator of the country's economic stability. It is not surprising that many international students are keen to stay to work in Germany after graduation. And those who return to their homeland have a huge advantage and are extremely in demand among employers.

The German diploma is quoted all over the world. With him you can continue your education in graduate school. After graduating from a university in Germany, a foreign student has the right to look for work in this country for up to one year. Then the student visa is terminated.

In total, there are about 330 universities in Germany, most of them state ones. There are also professional higher schools: business, economics, service, etc.

The World Study company has been working with German universities for many years. The company's specialists will answer any questions regarding higher education in this country. Contact us!


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