Education system in the USA

The states are not just leading in the world of scientific discoveries and achievements: they also have first places in the ranking of the world's leading universities. Several years ago, eight US universities entered the "TOP 10" universities in the world. Why does America manage to occupy such a high position in the field of education? Because the system itself is rather unusual and effective here. And it's worth getting to know her better. Especially if your plans include getting higher education in the States.

The school system in the USA
There are three levels of instruction in American schools:

elementary schools - elementary school for children aged 5-12 years;
middle schools - the middle level for children aged 12-14;
high school - senior level for adolescents aged 14-18 years.
Thus, in schoolchildren, American teens go up to 18 years old, because the program includes twelve compulsory classes. But already in high school, students can form their own schedule, choosing the most interesting subjects for themselves.

The American system of assessing knowledge deserves special attention: it is measured in letters:

A - "excellent"
B - "good"
C - "satisfactory"
D - "bad"
F - "failure".
The higher education system in the USA
Higher education in the United States will seem rather unusual to a domestic student. First, because each state in America can develop and implement its own rules. One thing awaits you in the south, a second in the west, and a third in the east. Therefore, when choosing a university, also familiarize yourself with the local characteristics of the education system in a particular state.

In general, US universities can be divided into private and public. Universities are distinguished by a huge selection of faculties and specialties. This assortment is quite flexible: the student can choose any subjects he sees fit. You can simultaneously attend mathematics and art culture, physics and music history.

Secondly, in the United States there is a significant difference from the domestic education system. If we value public universities more, not really trusting private ones, then in the States the opposite is true. Private universities, although more prestigious, are also more expensive. But their diplomas are valued more, and the equipment of such universities is "cooler".

A four-year period of study for a bachelor's degree in the United States usually looks like this:

The first two years, students listen to basic lectures - these are core courses;
Then each student chooses the basis of his future profession, the most important subject - it is called a major;
Next, you need to decide on the second most important subject for your future - it is called a minor;
It remains a matter of electives, which the student can collect in any quantity at his discretion - these are electives.
Still have questions about the US education system? Or have you already decided to enter the States and want to take English language courses for admission? Welcome to the "World Study" company, where you will be competently answered any question!


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