How to proceed?
Are the methods of learning a foreign language on an independent basis so relevant? Or is it enough to selectively study individual topics? In fact, self-study of a foreign language is based on an individual approach. We are all different. For some, it is enough to set aside 2 hours a day and sit over a textbook, while others find it difficult to find methods of learning foreign languages ​​on their own. Our material is geared towards those who are looking for a specific method for learning a foreign language.

How to start learning a foreign language on your own?

The main mistake in the learning process is too much material. It seems to us that the more books, textbooks and articles we cover, the more and faster we will master a foreign language. Too much workload will not bring the desired results. On the contrary, it will bring fatigue, frustration and kill the motivation to learn a foreign language. If you do not know where to start learning a foreign language, on your own or with a teacher, study the methods and range of textbooks. We have already talked about what mistakes students make when learning English. They will help you master the materials competently.

Self-study methods of foreign languages

The method of independent study of foreign languages ​​from Vladislav Milosevic is distinguished by its systematic and universal presentation in diagrams and tables. Unfortunately, a full-fledged textbook never came out, but many of the author's lectures with visual drawings have survived, making it easy to learn the most difficult moments. Orientation to the speed of assimilation and compactness. Self-study of a foreign (English) language is often associated with the name of Vitaly Leventhal. With its help, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of living American English - the program is designed for Russian-speaking immigrants. It contains slang, idioms and expressions. In the 90s, his method attracted by novelty and efficiency. Today it is a classic method of learning foreign languages ​​for self-study. Zamyatkin's method of self-study of a foreign language will help you think in a foreign language. The bottom line is that the student needs to repeatedly listen to the text from the carrier, then repeatedly and loudly pronounce it. Text, phonetics, lip movements are etched into memory - i.e. physical memory also works. This is how musical scales are studied. Alexander Dragunkin's technique is used not only for independent study. It is often taken as a basis by teachers and private tutors. The advantages of the technique are in integrity, an alternative presentation of grammar, the possibility of accelerated learning. The method of learning a foreign language (independently) allows you to create an excellent base for further advancement. Another option is Igor Shekhter's method, based on learning through communication. At the initial stage, there is no grammar, there are also no tests and assignments. Conditions for communication are created, and you need direction, not correction, in case you intend to study with a teacher. Thus, this method of learning a foreign language on its own allows you to develop creativity as well. So now you know the benefits of the most well-known English teaching methods. When choosing one of them, based on the features that we have described, listen to yourself, choose those that are closer. This is the key to success in learning a foreign language.


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