Psychological readiness to pass certification

Psychological readiness to pass certification
In addition to knowledge, the child's psychological readiness is important for the successful passing of attestations. According to the law "On Education of the Russian Federation", the passing of attestations is a family's right, but not an obligation, up to grade 9. But for grade 9 and 11, all children are required to pass exams, regardless of the form of education. And this surrender takes place in person at school on a general basis. Therefore, it is important to prepare the child for this event so that it is as painless as possible.
Text and photo @marikry
The first thing parents need to do is deal with their own fears of exams, if any. Understand why you are afraid, what stories are behind these fears? Or maybe attitudes from childhood? What can happen if the child does not pass, and what solutions can you find?
Solving these problems in your head is already half the battle.
Then you should focus on the child. Someone is more sensitive and fearful, someone less. In my opinion, in the beginning, you can refrain from passing the certifications, but if you really decide to take, then choose the softest option
For example, find a loyal school with a kind teacher who will not find fault and drive the child into a stupor, and terrify mom. Or take a closer look at the delivery online without cameras, without a hard time limit. So the child will gradually get used to the fact that there is nothing scary about attestation, these are essentially simple tests.
I have always viewed exams as a kind of dedication. The child's self-confidence depends on how the first exam passes. Therefore, it was important for me not only to prepare my son, but first of all to CREATE CONFIDENCE that he can handle everything. And that mistakes, if they creep in, it is only through inattention.
I'll tell you how we prepared. I will make a reservation that in the beginning my son took part of the subjects in person, some online, and the conditions were very comfortable. Now in the 7th grade, Grisha takes everything in person at a loyal school.


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