How to proceed?
New teaching methods, the possibility of obtaining language skills, broadening one's horizons, friends from different parts of the world, excursion programs. This is not a complete list of what Ukrainian children can get while in European schools, colleges or universities.

TOP countries for children from Ukraine

England. Foggy Albion is attractive - largely because of the huge number of attractions, largely due to the world-famous mentality of the British. However, England has also become the cradle of higher education. There are many colleges and universities, whose history dates back to the Middle Ages. The rules in local schools will help you learn the basics of etiquette, become more collected and responsible, and most importantly, master English at the highest level.

Ireland. The level of secondary education here is not worse than in neighboring England, however, in addition to basic subjects, they devote a lot of time to creative development and sports. Comprehensive training, constant practice of foreign languages ​​will help the future applicant to enter practically any university in the world without any problems.

Germany. Local schools are known for a wide variety of additional activities. The choice is truly impressive: from sailing to art photography courses. A variety of sports and creative electives will help you achieve high results in tennis, golf, theatrical arts and much more. Teaching for foreign students is conducted in English and German. The certificate is issued more often in German.

Canada. Local multicultural schools are the main feature of the country. Various events are constantly held here, introducing students to the traditions and mentality of different peoples and countries, there are discussion and cinematographic clubs. Pupils expand their inner boundaries, their worldview. This is how they grow up independent and self-reliant.

Among other popular countries among parents and children from Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy are distinguished. In addition, countries in other regions are also popular, for example, the United States has remained the market leader for many years. However, there is a nuance: no matter what school the child graduates from, it is worth getting a certificate in English. Such a document gives the right to enter any university in the country.

Types of educational institutions: public and private schools
The controversial issue faced by the parents of the student, which school to choose - private or public? The reason is the difference in the level of education, the effectiveness of methods, etc. In fact, this is one of the widespread myths. The difference between educational institutions is in other nuances.

Public School. The quality level is the same as in private establishments. Education will be paid, but the form of residence is different. Children are placed in host families. Each public school has a list of families who are screened by services, psychologist and educators. They talk with family members, help in adaptation of both the student and the host. This option is more popular in the United States; there are also many foreign students in Europe. However, preference is still given to boarding houses.
Pupils are engaged in groups of 3 to 20 people, depending on the popularity of the direction. The older the student, the narrower the specialization. In high school, children study natural sciences, exact sciences, humanities, and foreign languages. In high school, the number of subjects decreases, but they become more narrowly focused - engineering, business, management, etc.

To choose a good educational institution, where the child will receive a reliable educational base, broaden his horizons and visit many interesting sights, parents should weigh many factors and nuances, find answers to various questions. We hope, thanks to our article, there are fewer such questions.


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