Making lists is one way to unburden the day and leave plenty of time for leisure and hobbies.

Making lists is one way to unburden the day and leave plenty of time for leisure and hobbies. We share 10 principles of time management that are more focused on schoolchildren, but great for those who study on their own, and even for parents род Especially for those who still have not bought tickets to #yauchusfest 😂
As a rule, the first half of the day for schoolchildren is well structured. But after school, complete freedom begins: when you want, then do the tasks. It would seem that everything is great. But often the case ends with the fact that you went to Vkontakte for a second - and it’s already night outside, and homework has not even begun.
To avoid this, you need to structure your day. The best way is to make a list of what needs to be done tomorrow, the night before, determine how long it will take for each of the tasks, and distribute them by hours. Perhaps in the process it will turn out that the day is quite free, and it makes sense to add tasks from other days to the schedule, or, conversely, to quickly do all the things and relax. If it becomes clear that you will have to spend the whole evening after school and another half of the night to complete all the planned tasks, this is a clear sign that you should give up some business.
In any case, when you write down the necessary tasks on paper, there will be clarity and the ability to manage affairs.
There seems to be nothing easier than setting a goal for yourself. You know that for the next lesson in biology you need to write an essay, and Gogol is passed on literature. However, it often becomes empty in the head, it is worth sitting down to work: after all, in reality it is not clear what exactly needs to be done and where to start.
In order to effectively cope with tasks, goals are needed.
Each goal should be specific and clear: not "work harder" but "complete all assignments right after school"; not “to learn everything about Gogol”, but “to read it in the textbook from page 100 to page 150”. To clearly understand whether you have achieved your goal or not, it must be measurable.

Having made the decision on family education for her first-grader son, Daria Lagovskaya did not suspect that she herself would need moral support.
Two years ago, in her blog, Daria began to talk about all the stages of the family experiment on home teaching for her son Mitya.
We are also waiting for all those who read to the end😉 at the "I live - I study" festival, which this year will be held from May 31 to June 2 at the Sheraton Sheremetyevo hotel. Direct link to buy tickets in the header of our profile ♥
Having decided to teach my son on my own and at home, I needed external support, and I began to look for my own kind. I wanted to feel that you are not alone and there are other parents who have chosen an unknown path. You know, like in American films, when the hero comes to the support group. Here he stands uncertainly, pronounces his name, greet him and someone even slaps him on the shoulder.
I was lucky, I almost immediately found myself such a group. In my environment there was a family with a child in family education, where my mother began to publish a magazine about alternative education. I asked many questions, received answers and understood that not everything is so scary. After a while I was invited to join the magazine team. There was a community of homeschoolers, publishers held events, meetings and festivals. Last summer (we are talking about 2016) "Family Education" held a three-day festival in the Moscow region, where I met parents from different parts of Russia from Kaliningrad to Novosibirsk, who successfully teach their children at home. This gave strength before our first class start.
Another place to talk to experienced parents was the family school. It is a community of parents who come together to educate children. They can hire teachers for this purpose or teach them themselves. Usually premises are rented for such a school, but small groups of children can study at home. There is no certification in such schools, for this you need to obtain a state license, and this imposes certain obligations and requirements for premises, educational process and reporting. Therefore, where to pass the certification, each family decides for itself.


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