🔥Pyotr Shchedrovitsky will open #yauchusfest

🔥Pyotr Shchedrovitsky will open #yauchusfest 🔥You can find tickets for the festival on the website semeynoe.com/fest, we have placed an active link in the profile header.
Why is the advisor to the general director for strategic development of the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers" Young Professionals of WorldSkills Russia "and the speaker of our festival teaches their children to survive, build, plan, and also run a farm, garden, design a cowshed and invite tutors, find out 31 May at the lecture "Education for Children: What Depends on the Parent?"
In the meantime, we offer you an interview with Petr Georgievich, in which he told what the main disadvantage of the Soviet education system is and whether it is worth returning to it.
❓You have repeatedly called for reorganizing the educational process, stretching it over time, giving the student the opportunity to practice between stages of learning. How might it look like?
Quite right. I really believe that it is not at all necessary to receive education in a single, consistent process. This process can and should be structured differently.
Having received a certain level of training, a person should be able to go to work in order to collect their own mistakes, plunge into real situations, and form an order for themselves for the next stage. Otherwise, over the years of sitting at a desk, he loses motivation to learn. In addition, a person cannot know what exactly he will need in adulthood if he has never seen his future workplace. That is why he should be able to interrupt, while having firm guarantees that he can return to the education system if he wants.

❓In this case, how will this happen technically?
Very simple. The educational process will be divided into certain stages, the essence of which is not to get a qualification and a diploma, but to form competence - the ability to do something. This also applies to higher, secondary specialized, and school education. You need to start from school, as from the first stage, the preparation in which objectively leaves much to be desired.

🆘 Annually in Russia about 12-14 thousand women die as a result of domestic violence. And this is one woman every 40 minutes.
🆘 The victims of domestic violence are usually women, children and the elderly.
🆘The law on domestic violence exists in more than 140 countries of the world, but not in Russia.
🆘 Domestic violence occurs not only in “dysfunctional families”, but also in reputable families.
🆘Most victims of violence never turn to law enforcement and seek to hide the incident from loved ones.
🆘 Domestic violence includes not only physical but also psychological violence.
The statistics are scary, but we could not pass by. Violations that arise as a result of violent actions lead to persistent personality changes, often affecting the rest of your life.
⚠ Why do the victims endure and keep silent?
Beatings, criticism and humiliation feed the abuser, while killing self-esteem and destroying the victim's psyche.
It is very difficult to decide on this. It's even harder to do. But the only sure way is to run.


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