Why is participation in Olympiads important for admission to some universities?

Why is participation in Olympiads important for admission to some universities? Which Olympiads to choose and how to get to them? How to prepare for the olympiads and what do they give a child besides entering universities?
We will learn about all this on May 31 on the track "Family Education" of the festival "I live - I study".
‼ ️ Program and tickets on the website semeynoe.com/fest, active link in the profile header👆
And today we reveal the secrets of high scores on the exam Е
Do you know what the average scores were on the USE 2018? In profile mathematics there are only 49 points, in computer science - 59, in history - 56. Not so many guys take the exam for high scores 🙄 What is their secret? By @egeprofi.
⚛ They have been preparing for the Unified State Exam in Moscow and St. Petersburg for over 3.5 years. During this time, decent statistics have accumulated: guys who start training in grade 10 pass the USE on average 20 points better than those who remember training only in grade 11😎 No wonder, right?
⚛ Attention to detail is another hallmark of all high scorers. Counting in the head or in a column without errors, attention to units of measurement of physical quantities, the ability to read the task correctly and find a clue in it - all this is trained by months of preparation🏋
⚛ The ability to correctly plan the time for the exam will help to pass the exam for the best scores. You need to clearly know how to distribute almost 4 hours of time between tasks, checking them, transferring answers to the form of part 1 and filling out the tasks of part 2✏
⚛ Highlight the main thing. If you need 85 points on the exam, then it is not necessary to solve all the tasks in the exam. Perfect the required minimum of tasks (with a small margin, of course), which will allow you to get the coveted points😎
⚛ Don't ignore the first part. For example, in an exam in profile mathematics, it is very simple. Each of the 12 tasks is solved in 2-3 minutes. There are almost no traps in these tasks. The calculations are neat and beautiful. And for the first part, you can get as much as 62 points😍 Considering all this, losing points on the first part is an unaffordable luxury роскош


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