
Сообщения за август, 2020

Making lists is one way to unburden the day and leave plenty of time for leisure and hobbies.

Making lists is one way to unburden the day and leave plenty of time for leisure and hobbies. We share 10 principles of time management that are more focused on schoolchildren, but great for those who study on their own, and even for parents род Especially for those who still have not bought tickets to #yauchusfest 😂 ⠀ ✔️N 1. Plan your day As a rule, the first half of the day for schoolchildren is well structured. But after school, complete freedom begins: when you want, then do the tasks. It would seem that everything is great. But often the case ends with the fact that you went to Vkontakte for a second - and it’s already night outside, and homework has not even begun. ⠀ To avoid this, you need to structure your day. The best way is to make a list of what needs to be done tomorrow, the night before, determine how long it will take for each of the tasks, and distribute them by hours. Perhaps in the process it will turn out that the day is quite free, and it makes sense to add tasks f

Yes, your children will sooner or later fall head over heels in love.

Yes, your children will sooner or later fall head over heels in love. And they will have their first sex. And while you still think that "it is not yet time" and "he is still small" - better pull yourself together and talk with them finally about sex (and about love) a little in advance. Psychologist Marina Travkova, speaker of the festival "I live - I study", which will be held in Moscow from May 31 to June 2, tells how and when to do it correctly. 〰️ Tickets for the festival can be found on the website semeynoe.com/fest, active link in the profile header👆 〰️ When a conscious parent decides to talk to children about sex, the most difficult thing for him is the description of the sexual act itself. Many have already fully learned, without a nervous giggle, to say that for the birth of a child, a mother and a father, a man and a woman are needed. “Men have a special cell - a sperm, and women have an egg. They combine and get an embryo, a small person, ”

🔥Pyotr Shchedrovitsky will open #yauchusfest

🔥Pyotr Shchedrovitsky will open #yauchusfest 🔥You can  find tickets for the festival on the website semeynoe.com/fest, we have placed an active link in the profile header. ⠀ Why is the advisor to the general director for strategic development of the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers" Young Professionals of WorldSkills Russia "and the speaker of our festival teaches their children to survive, build, plan, and also run a farm, garden, design a cowshed and invite tutors, find out 31 May at the lecture "Education for Children: What Depends on the Parent?" ⠀ In the meantime, we offer you an interview with Petr Georgievich, in which he told what the main disadvantage of the Soviet education system is and whether it is worth returning to it. ⠀ ❓You have repeatedly called for reorganizing the educational process, stretching it over time, giving the student the opportunity to practice between stages of learning. How might it loo

We often wonder whether it is necessary to teach children who grow up in the age of technology, writing, let alone our attitude to teaching calligraphy.

We often wonder whether it is necessary to teach children who grow up in the age of technology, writing, let alone our attitude to teaching calligraphy. ⠀ Why make a child print letters, sticks and circles when he is typing a message on the keyboard in two counts? Why teach a child to diligently draw out squiggles, monitor connections, show how to make curls, if in high school (and sometimes in junior) teachers will demand to write quickly (and not beautifully) and only a language man will pay attention to handwriting? ⠀ However, teaching a child the art of beautiful writing hides not only the desire for perfect handwriting, but also many bonuses that the student acquires in the course of classes. ⠀ 👍Ability to think No matter how trite it may sound, children of the 21st century, who have mastered clip thinking well, short texts on the run and taking selfies anywhere, do not know how to think at all. ⠀ The assignment to write an essay on a specific topic evokes a keen sense of protest

May holidays always evoke nostalgia ☺️

May holidays always evoke nostalgia ☺️ I remember childhood, white knee socks, red balloons and, of course, ice cream on a stick 😍 ⠀ And today, under the heading #Watch together_with a selection of good old Soviet films for children! Save and write your favorites in the comments ☺️ ⠀ ⚡Cinderella (1947) The shooting of the film "Cinderella" took place in the summer of 1946. Natural episodes were filmed in Riga and its environs, and interior scenes were filmed in Lenfilm pavilions. The models of the palace and the park were created especially for combined shooting. In 1967 the film "Cinderella" was restored at Mosfilm. And in 2009, a second restoration took place, after which a color version of the film appeared. ⠀ ⚡Old Man Hottabych (1956) The football match between the teams "Zubilo" and "Puck" was filmed at two stadiums, which were located in different parts of St. Petersburg. The game was filmed at the Svetlana stadium, and the stands at th

Why is participation in Olympiads important for admission to some universities?

Why is participation in Olympiads important for admission to some universities? Which Olympiads to choose and how to get to them? How to prepare for the olympiads and what do they give a child besides entering universities? We will learn about all this on May 31 on the track "Family Education" of the festival "I live - I study". ‼ ️ Program and tickets on the website semeynoe.com/fest, active link in the profile header👆 ⠀ And today we reveal the secrets of high scores on the exam Е ⠀ Do you know what the average scores were on the USE 2018? In profile mathematics there are only 49 points, in computer science - 59, in history - 56. Not so many guys take the exam for high scores 🙄 What is their secret? By @egeprofi. ⠀ ⚛ They have been preparing for the Unified State Exam in Moscow and St. Petersburg for over 3.5 years. During this time, decent statistics have accumulated: guys who start training in grade 10 pass the USE on average 20 points better than those who r

Whatever we do to preserve the planet is useless if we do it alone.

Whatever we do to preserve the planet is useless if we do it alone. In every, even the smallest, business that we start, there should be a place for children , because someday in the not too distant future they will pick up what we started today. ⠀ I often think about how much nature teaches children. Two hours by the lake is more rewarding than a month in a preschool classroom. Endless leaves, cutouts and rhymes can be easily replaced with one evening walk in the reeds. It is a pity that the emphasis has shifted so much, and that instead of making their studies healthy, useful and effective, more and more young children are put at their desks and hope that there, at their desks, they will learn and love this world. ⠀ How can we educate environmentalists and environmentalists if our children know about nature only by hearsay? They can be strong in theory, speak with slogans, and fight for the environment with “likes” on Facebook, but will they have a true love for nature and a deep u

Letidor.ru, an online project for modern parents with an active lifestyle

Letidor.ru, an online project for modern parents with an active lifestyle, has included us among the leading blogs about education это And this is all thanks to you, our readers! Thank you for your support and recognition☺️ ⠀ Together with us, the list includes: ✔️ “Children's books in the adult reading circle” - a group on Facebook dedicated to children's reading issues. The co-organizers of the Childhood Culture CF project and the Moscow City Pedagogical University have organized a platform where discussions are held, announcements are posted for meetings of book authors with readers, discussions about children's literature, as well as links to book selections, excerpts from books and other information that may become for parents, help in communicating with the child. ⠀ ✔️Undeserved teacher of Russia - Telegram channel of the MHC teacher from Moscow, who in his free time trains children in social studies and English, and also organizes debates for schoolchildren. The te