
Сообщения за июль, 2020

I have grown so Zen for a long time that questions about socialization in family education not only do not make my left eye twitch.

I have grown so Zen for a long time that questions about socialization in family education not only do not make my left eye twitch. I even began to miss a little bit of the passion with which I could charge an hour-long lecture in response to him. And here even the relatives have calmed down for the last couple of years like 😂 But if you are thinking about SB or if you are already deeply stuck in it, then you probably come across (and will regularly face it for a long time) with an excellent question number one "What about socialization?" ⠀ I am publishing an amazing text on the topic (with small abbreviations). Feel free to send all the questioners to him 😎 ⠀ Text: neuropsychologist, perinatal psychologist, nutritionist, founder of the Lesenka family center @irinakoval_neyropsyholog ⠀ Let's see where the popularity of the idea of ​​the benefits of parenting in a team and the importance of socialization came from. This opinion was formed in Soviet psychology and pedagog

Remember the post about internal resource sources?

Remember the post about internal resource sources? (if anything, it can be found by the #fburnout_ffs tag). I wrote there that Chekhov's psychophysical exercises help me to replenish resources. And I got many questions about what kind of technique it is. We even held a broadcast with you, where we did a little of these exercises. Now I gathered my thoughts and decided to start describing them. I will gradually lay out the most basic ones. ⠀ I am an absolute fan of technology , I am sure that everyone who deals with people in one way or another needs them. Of course, it is better to start with the master, but you can do it yourself - the effect will be in any case. Below is a description of the most basic exercise for awakening an imaginary center in the chest. It takes less than a minute, and the sea gives you impressions. And # goosebumps 😍 Do, share feelings, ask questions. ⠀ So, awakening the center 💥 1. Stand with your eyes open (in general, your eyes should be open througho

Do you love books about Tsatziki as we love them?

Do you love books about Tsatziki as we love them? If you haven't heard about them yet, then rather run to read (the first in the series - "Tsatsiki goes to school"). And if yes, then I hasten to please: as many as three films have been released about the favorite characters of the joint production of Sweden, Denmark and Norway ❤️ In Russian, too. # look together 1️⃣ Tsatziki and the policeman, 1999 Little Tobias prefers everyone to call him Tzatziki, because his dad, whom he has never seen, is from Greece. Tsatsiki lives with his mother and tries in every possible way to persuade her to go to Greece to find her father. And the boy also decides to find a new husband for his mother in the person of a friendly policeman, whom he accidentally meets in the pool. But one day Tsatsiki will still have to meet with his father and understand why his parents decided not to be together. 2️⃣ Tsatziki - Friends Forever, 2001 His mother now lives with Goran. Tsatsiki has problems with h

If you regret the rod, you will spoil the child!

If you regret the rod , you will spoil the child! To everyone who advocates a tough approach and a tightrope, I want to tell the story of an old lady. When she was a young mother , people still believed in the idea of ​​"If you regret the rod, you spoil the child." Rather, she herself did not really believe in it, but once, when her little son nailed, she nevertheless decided to ask him a good spanking. The first in his life. His mother told him to go out into the yard and find a stick or twig suitable for flogging. The boy was gone for a long time. Finally he returned in tears and announced, "I could not find a stick, but here is a stone that you can throw at me." At that moment, she began to cry, because she suddenly realized what the baby might think. He must have thought, "My mom wants to hurt me, she can do it by throwing a stone at me." ... She hugged her son and cried with him for a while . Then she placed the stone on the kitchen shelf and left it

How to switch from unschooling to systemic family education and is it necessary?

How to switch from unschooling to systemic family education and is it necessary? ⠀ I never seem to have talked about my own CO experience here. And in general I don’t really like to talk about him 🙄 and there was nothing about it until recently: for the first 5 years, as a convinced unschooler, I didn’t force my studies under the program. ⠀ And what can you tell about unschooling? That Sasha didn't go to school for a day, and I just (not always) patiently waited for her interests to manifest. For the process to develop itself. Due to internal, not external motivation. ⠀ But in general, questions still arise, and now our educational situation has changed somewhat, so, perhaps, the experience of the transition from unschooling to systematic training may be useful. ⠀ The daughter attended circles and sections . There were and are not so many of them: chess (I quickly gave up), robotics and capoeira, plus English (the only occupation at my insistence). ⠀ It is believed that the sched

100+ audiobooks for children from 7 years old.

100+ audiobooks for children from 7 years old. Bookmark,, share books in comments ⠀ In some places, she noted her favorite voice acting. If you find other books by the same performers, you won't go wrong. ⠀ 📚Series about Harry Potter performed by Alexander Klyukvin about Manyunya performed by Elena Shulman about Warrior Cats about Subbastika about Alice Kira Bulychev about Harry and his dog Potter about the wizard of oz about the Wizard of the Emerald City The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin Chasodei The Chronicles of Narnia Adventure Electronics History of Russia in stories for Ishimov's children ⠀ Zoki and Bada, School of Zoks and Bady performed by Kreminsky, Pozharov, etc. ⠀ Series "The Best Girls": Polianna, Polianna grows up, Little princess, Four women, Princess Javakh, Tale of friendship, Little women, The road goes into the distance, Scarlet sails, Running on the waves ⠀ 🎙 Performers: Alla Chovzhik - Chocolate grandfather, Academy of furry wizards, Vakhm

#famous homeschoolers Billie Eilish

#famous homeschoolers Billie Eilish The other day, 18-year-old Billie Eilish became the heroine of the 2020 Grammy Awards. The singer received five awards at once. Including the nominations for Best Song, Best Recording, Album of the Year and Best New Musician. And she became the youngest Grammy winner in history. Eilish began writing songs at the age of 11, together with her brother. She recorded her first album at home in his room. Popularity came to her at the age of 14 , after the track Ocean Eye was published on the network. Billy and her brother Finneas studied at home. Almost all the time was devoted to creativity and the subjects that they liked, the rest were studied according to the principle "just to pass". Their house had three pianos and two bedrooms, one for Billy and one for Finneas, and their parents slept on a pull-out couch in the living room. The singer's older brother also received a Grammy as Producer of the Year for Eilish's album. He told why th

Yandex is conducting an online lesson in which it tells children about personal assistants!

Yandex is conducting an online lesson in which it tells children about personal assistants! Until February 16 , everyone can go through it: there are several levels of difficulty in the lesson, so it will be interesting for schoolchildren of different ages and even adults 😉 During the lesson , you can not only learn new facts about familiar technologies, but also use a special simulator to work with a smart speaker, control an assistant robot and, in practice, better understand how chat bots work. After completing the course, all participants will receive a certificate from the All-Russian educational project "The Lesson of the Number", of which Yandex's lesson is a part.

What parents need to know when choosing family education. What opportunities open up on CO.

What parents need to know when choosing family education. What opportunities open up on CO. ⠀ Switching to family form is easy. Most often, it is this question that worries parents. And in the daily rush of making organizational decisions, they miss the main thing - the issues of organizing education in the family. And they - these questions - are different from organizing your school history if you ultimately want to achieve the goal for which you decide to take your child out of school. This article prefaces the new heading "Education of parental consciousness" by Lyubov Sgonnik. ⠀ Text and photo: @liubov_sgonnik, speaker #yauchusfest ⠀ Switching to CO is easy: 1️⃣ Notify education authorities. Sample applications are available on the Education Departments website. 2️⃣ Drop out of school. In the family form of education, the child's personal file is in the family. Distance learning - at a school providing distance learning. 3️⃣ Choose a school for certification - full

Romeo + Juliet

Romeo + Juliet On Valentine's Day , I suggest you remember your childhood and watch Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo + Juliet" with your teenagers. I once watched it 10 times, no less, and secretly adored DiCaprio 😂❤️ . Now I adore him openly, because he is an amazing actor, and not just a corny boy from "Titanic". And Shakespeare and Leo are a great combination. It's good that I'm 35. Verona has become a huge metropolis, the Montagues and Capulets from noble clans have turned into mafia clans, sword battles are now replaced by street skirmishes. But Romeo and Juliet remained teenagers, and the divine lines of Shakespeare now sound from the lips of street militants and drug addicts. Times change , people change, life changes, and true love is eternal. Released: 1996 Age: 12+ Movie Search Rating: 7.3

Why Soviet children didn't need a neuropsychologist

Why Soviet children didn't need a neuropsychologist ⠀ Text: Katerina Timofeeva, @cns_neiro, survey and recommendations for the @naturalschool boarding school ⠀ During the preschool period , Soviet children had time to perfectly “pump” all the parts of the brain necessary for study and a healthy nervous system. Jumping complex circuits in a rubber band or playing "okay" at high speed, they did not even realize that they were developing the premotor parts of the brain, thus preparing for the easy formation of the skill of continuous writing. ⠀ A wide variety of ball games prepared the visual system for the ability to quickly switch from teacher to blackboard, then to a notebook and back a hundred times, which is important for school learning, without losing concentration. ⠀ In addition , in traditional games, in contrast to the spontaneous physical activity of a group of children, there is a large number of sometimes rather complicated rules, the observance of which childr

Psychological readiness to pass certification

Psychological readiness to pass certification ⠀ In addition to knowledge, the child's psychological readiness is important for the successful passing of attestations. According to the law "On Education of the Russian Federation", the passing of attestations is a family's right, but not an obligation, up to grade 9. But for grade 9 and 11, all children are required to pass exams, regardless of the form of education. And this surrender takes place in person at school on a general basis. Therefore, it is important to prepare the child for this event so that it is as painless as possible. ⠀ Text and photo @marikry ⠀ The first thing parents need to do is deal with their own fears of exams, if any. Understand why you are afraid, what stories are behind these fears? Or maybe attitudes from childhood? What can happen if the child does not pass, and what solutions can you find? ⠀ Solving these problems in your head is already half the battle. ⠀ Then you should focus on the c

Difficulties in the transition from the school system to the family education system.

Difficulties in the transition from the school system to the family education system. Parenting, part 1. ⠀ Parenting is a transitional period that should help the child get rid of the school way of thinking and teach him to learn about the world in an unstructured environment. This period is passed not only by former students, but also by their parents. And often for the latter, the process becomes much more complicated than for children :) I believe that during this period parents need soft but confident support more than ever - either in the person of a psychologist, or in the form of a supportive environment, or in the form of resource activities. ⠀ If a child's schooling takes 1-2 months for each year spent at school, then for parents the process may take much longer. For me, for example, he was actively walking through the first grade of his eldest daughter. And in the background I still encounter its echoes 😅 ⠀ Now let's see what happens to the parents during this period

The child does nothing for nothing.

Surely you had such that the child repeated the same action many times. For example, he climbed on a chest of drawers or on a Swedish wall, substituted a chair and climbed onto it. The story is that if a child does something motor , it is a needful thing. Children are very sensitive to what heals them. And we feel the same. Someone walks when they think. Someone is doing other motor reinforcing actions. Text: @oleg_leonkin Oleg Leonkin, children's rehabilitation therapist, hippotherapist, specialist in sensory integration and massage, speaker #yauchusfest 2019.25 years of experience at the intersection of medicine, pedagogy and psychology . Husband and father of 5 children. The child wants to tell you with his motor skills - this is what he needs now and helps to cope with the problem, helps to develop. Don't prohibit . Throw in the trash your idea of ​​how right, how wrong, how it should, how not. And if a child does something not by chance, but constantly, constantly repeatin

The popularity of education in the family

The popularity of education in the family is gaining momentum and, on the one hand, it greatly simplifies home-study processes, and on the other hand, it serves as a disservice to families taking this path. Many advisers, experts, and specialists have appeared who, for a kind word, and sometimes not at all for free, willingly give out recommendations to the right and left. And the point is not even the advice themselves, which are voiced by these experts, but the fact that the existence of advice in general violates the organic flow of the family's attunement to cognitive processes that are deeply individual for everyone. When a family faces difficulties, experts usually have a million ready-made, highly actionable recipes. Someone calls to work with motivation, someone claims that it is necessary to change the textbook (and of course knows which one is needed), someone thinks that before each lesson, a mother should definitely dance, and someone suggests getting a coach. In mode
The popularity of education in the family is gaining momentum and, on the one hand, it greatly simplifies home-study processes, and on the other hand, it serves as a disservice to families taking this path. Many advisers , experts, and specialists have appeared who, for a kind word, and sometimes not at all for free, willingly give out recommendations to the right and left. And the point is not even the advice themselves, which are voiced by these experts, but the fact that the existence of advice in general violates the organic flow of the family's attunement to cognitive processes that are deeply individual for everyone. When a family is faced with difficulties, experts usually have a million ready-made, highly actionable recipes. Someone calls to work with motivation, someone claims that you need to change the textbook (and, of course, knows which one you need), someone thinks that before each lesson, a mother should definitely dance, and someone suggests getting a coach. In th
All parents are a little bit actors. ✨ Yesterday was the second lesson of the theater studio. Which began as an adventurous trial at the end of last year in the family democratic school "Dubrvushka". And in February I graduated from the acting department of the Mikhail Chekhov International Academy in Berlin, and felt the strength to change the format and expand the composition of the participants. We started a studio not because all parents are a bit actors (although this is undoubtedly so). And because I deeply believe that the acting method of Mikhail Chekhov helps any person to reveal the bottomless energy of creativity. It is easier for someone, harder for someone. But step by step, gradually, like a flower from a seed, inner confidence, childish curiosity and interest in the world and people around you sprout. The ability to subtly feel and trust this, and, as a result, just the ability to become happier. ... And what a joy it is to see how a person changes right in the

3 stages of "scaling up": merger, differentiation and integration.

3 stages of "scaling up": merger, differentiation and integration. ⠀ 1️⃣ Merge Perhaps you cannot imagine how else you can get an education if not in school. Or someone from your family cannot imagine how you can deprive a child of school, even if the very adult in school was very often ill. Yes, and friends tell you that you can learn only this way, and not otherwise. And in the family form of education, as you and your environment think, the child is deprived of socialization. If a person is in a merger with the system, then the exit from it is associated with fears and a dialogue with him about alternative forms of education is impossible. The idea that you can learn differently is received with hostility. Information about alternative ways of teaching is passed through a sieve of doubts and arguments are given only against, not noticing the opportunities that exist on SS , in contrast to the school. ⠀ 2️⃣ Differentiation It is the process of separating from what you we

Education system in the USA

The states are not just leading in the world of scientific discoveries and achievements: they also have first places in the ranking of the world's leading universities. Several years ago, eight US universities entered the "TOP 10" universities in the world. Why does America manage to occupy such a high position in the field of education? Because the system itself is rather unusual and effective here. And it's worth getting to know her better. Especially if your plans include getting higher education in the States. The school system in the USA There are three levels of instruction in American schools: elementary schools - elementary school for children aged 5-12 years; middle schools - the middle level for children aged 12-14; high school - senior level for adolescents aged 14-18 years. Thus, in schoolchildren, American teens go up to 18 years old, because the program includes twelve compulsory classes. But already in high school, students can form their own schedule

Where is the best place to study abroad

Almost 35,000 students from Ukraine, according to UNESCO , study abroad every year. This is almost 6% of the total number of "student fraternity" in the country. That is, six out of a hundred people decide to get higher education in another country. Which one? Statistics say: almost 6 thousand students from Ukraine are now studying in Germany, 3 thousand - in Poland, 1.7 thousand - in the United States. Further on the list - France, Czech Republic, Italy and Hungary. Which countries should a Ukrainian student go to Choosing the university of his dreams, the applicant is guided by several criteria: Availability of education for foreign students; The quality of education; Remoteness from the Motherland. In the same UNESCO study on study abroad , five countries were identified as the most “open” to students. It: USA Great Britain Australia France Germany The given data refer to global trends, and not only to Ukraine. It is clear that our compatriots rarely consider distant Aus

Five steps to study abroad

Five steps are very few. This is a small distance that you need to go on the way to your dream - quality education abroad. Below is a universal action plan prepared by World Study for everyone who wants to achieve their goal. So, the plan is in your hands - go for it! How to get higher education abroad: an action plan Step one: ask yourself a question Education abroad is definitely the best foundation for a future career. But you have to be honest with yourself and try to answer one question to yourself: "Is it right for me to get higher education abroad?" Don't be in a rush to say yes or no, just ponder the following leading questions: Am I ready to go from home to unfamiliar places? Am I open to travel? Do I easily accept a new culture, way of life, conditions, the need to learn a language? Will I be able to spend several years away from my parents and my usual social circle? If the answer was “yes” to 3-5 questions from the list, then education abroad is for you! St

Education system in Germany

When planning to get an education in a particular country, we carefully collect all available information about it. Today we will get acquainted with the education system in Germany - a country with one of the most powerful economies in the world. Why does it manage to produce such highly qualified specialists and lead in the most demanded areas? In short, the education system in Germany consists of three stages: elementary School high school high school In fact, nothing new for a Ukrainian student. The domestic system works the same way. In Germany, each step is represented by public and private institutions . Primary and secondary education is strictly free. They graduate from high school at the age of 19. Further education can be paid or free: it all depends on the university and the abilities of the student himself. Preschool education in Germany The first difference in the education system compared to Ukraine can be seen already among preschoolers. For example, some kindergarten

All about universities in the USA

Several years ago, eight US universities entered the top ten of the world's top universities. Thus, the United States is confidently leading in the ranking of world education. If you want to study abroad, choose the USA. Why? Three reasons to get higher education in the USA My university is my fortress! Colleges and universities in the United States of America, as a rule, are entire cities with developed infrastructure . The territory has everything you need for an exciting and rewarding student life. From gyms and open-air venues to high-tech labs and great libraries. The infrastructure of the university affects all spheres of life: everything you need is always in the student's reach. Down with the flour of choice! The main difference between American universities and Ukrainian universities is that a student can decide on the desired profession in the course of his studies. Many related sciences are studied in colleges and universities , there is always an opportunity to ind

Benefits of Higher Education Abroad

For centuries, young people have been eager to get an education abroad. For the aristocracy and nobility, this was a sign of good form. And today it is a practical necessity for those who want to get a guaranteed profession and invaluable experience. Why is higher education abroad better? Why do students and female students dream of a foreign diploma ? Why do young people decide to leave their home country for several years of study? International diploma. The very "crust" for the sake of which the entire educational process is started plays a leading role in choosing a place of study. The overwhelming majority of foreign universities allow you to eventually receive an international class diploma, which is officially recognized in almost all countries. With such a diploma , new opportunities open up and, in fact, there are no boundaries: you can train and build a career in any country. Language and culture. The willingness to change the home scenery for everything new will b


How to proceed? According to many parents, they think about it almost from the first days of their child's life. The reasons most often called the desire to lay a good foundation that will help in life, help the child become successful and reach certain heights, especially since knowledge of foreign languages ​​is always held in high esteem. So at what age should a child learn English (or another foreign language)? We have collected information for you from reliable and reliable sources "From the cradle". Many parents literally from infancy begin to speak with their child in a foreign language. Often the practice is alternated , for example, a day of communication in the native language, a day in a foreign language. This is also practiced in international families. How good the results will be depends a lot on the child. Sometimes children begin to speak earlier in such an atmosphere, they understand a different thing faster, and already at school a craving for foreign p


How to proceed? Thanks to the visa-free regime with European countries, Ukrainian students and schoolchildren can easily come to short-term (up to 90 days) foreign language courses. But what about those who want to study at European universities ? Unfortunately, visa waiver applies only to short trips. If you are planning to study at European universities, you will need a student visa. However, everything is not so simple here - not every student can get a visa to live and study in a European country. What are the reasons for visa refusal? We will answer this question right now. TOP: reasons for refusing a visa for students There is no official invitation from the educational institution. It is impossible to obtain a visa without an invitation. However, not every institution has the right to enroll foreign students, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation, find out in advance whether your university has such rights. The UK is an example. Here universities that have the right to


How to proceed? New teaching methods, the possibility of obtaining language skills, broadening one's horizons, friends from different parts of the world, excursion programs. This is not a complete list of what Ukrainian children can get while in European schools, colleges or universities. TOP countries for children from Ukraine England. Foggy Albion is attractive - largely because of the huge number of attractions, largely due to the world-famous mentality of the British. However, England has also become the cradle of higher education. There are many colleges and universities, whose history dates back to the Middle Ages. The rules in local schools will help you learn the basics of etiquette, become more collected and responsible, and most importantly, master English at the highest level. Ireland. The level of secondary education here is not worse than in neighboring England, however, in addition to basic subjects, they devote a lot of time to creative development and sports. Co


How to proceed? Are the methods of learning a foreign language on an independent basis so relevant? Or is it enough to selectively study individual topics? In fact, self-study of a foreign language is based on an individual approach. We are all different. For some, it is enough to set aside 2 hours a day and sit over a textbook, while others find it difficult to find methods of learning foreign languages ​​on their own. Our material is geared towards those who are looking for a specific method for learning a foreign language. How to start learning a foreign language on your own? The main mistake in the learning process is too much material. It seems to us that the more books, textbooks and articles we cover, the more and faster we will master a foreign language. Too much workload will not bring the desired results. On the contrary, it will bring fatigue, frustration and kill the motivation to learn a foreign language. If you do not know where to start learning a foreign language, on


How to proceed? A huge number of courses and programs for learning foreign languages ​​baffle the average user. How to choose the right English courses? What you should pay attention to? What programs are there? These are the questions that parents ask when they contact our agency to choose a children's study abroad program. While creating this material, we have collected all the experience, knowledge and skills - they will help answer the question of how to choose the right English courses? How to choose English courses for children? Do you have a baby 3-5 years old? Pay attention to several factors. First, it is natural. The child should be immersed in the study gradually, without cramming and memorizing. Build on his experience in mastering your native language. Start with speaking , and only then move on to writing. You should not choose English courses based on the mixing technique. If you are wondering: "How to choose English language courses for a teenager?", It